best picture I could get of her LOL)
These are my cousin April's 3 children they are all very well raised which means they are very easier to watch. I feel sometimes like I should be paying them because all they like to do is play with Ethan and see who can make him squeal the loudest. Its really adorable when their mom comes home and they all start talking at once about what Ethan had done that day and how they got to help me take care of him. Abagayle loves to help me feed him and burp him. Its amazing they all love to get him cleaned up when he spits up after he eats. They take just the corner of the spit rag and dab his little chin and say eeewww yucky I bet that doesn't taste good. Its what I say when I clean him up and they noticed that when I say that it makes him smile. Jerred sure does know how to make him smile and talk to him. He always calls him his little buddy. Darion does a really good job keeping an eye on him so that mommy can actually go to the restroom by herself...LOL.
I began taking an anti-depressant about a month ago and between the help of the medicine and the fact that I'm making an income has really really helped. I am soooo thankful that I know myself well enough to know when I need to talk to someone and when talking just isn't enough. Another great thing that has helped is the fact that I have reconnected with my cousin and the best friend anyone could ever ask for April. I had forgotten over the past few years just how close her and I really are and how much we are alike in sooo many ways. I am sooo happy and thankful for the fact that I have someone who has gone through a lot of things that I have and can understand my on so many levels and to think she lived just 10 minutes away from me and I was too busy and ignorant to forget what a great person she is and how good of a friend she really is. Thanks April for everything!! You have done such a great job raising your children and teaching them so much and making sure that they ALWAYS come first!!! We love you guys!!
Ethan rolled over from his stomach to his back a few weeks ago I was sooooo happy!! Both Jake and I were there to witness it which made it all the more special. I guess he started this a little earlier than average along with the cooing and smiling so far which makes me feel so much better that he is soo smart and advanced. We go in for EEG on August 9th in the afternoon and then on August 16th in the morning we go back down for the follow up and the EEG reading. I am hoping and praying and asking for prayers that everything comes back normal and that he has grown out of these seizures. He's obviously very smart and completely normal in every way so I have high hopes!! Thank you all again for visiting and again I apologize for the delay. I'm trying to get better organized so that I can do this more often like I had planned. Thanks!!